As we are now using more online programs with our students, there is always a chance that we will not have access to a site or app due to its host having a technical issue. Many of these sites have status pages that allow users to quickly check if a site is operational or possibly down. Please view the list below to be redirected to the Status Page for each product.
For WWCSD Staff only – If are experiencing a problem with any online application, please contact us instead of contacting the individual product customer support. Then we can track and better support you (and others) with these programs.

Google (All Apps)
Google Status Page – Shows the status of all the Google Apps including Meet (in the first grouping) and Classroom (last grouping).

Clever (District Portal)
Clever Status Page – This will allow you to view if the portal is operational. Generally this is used for online curriculum and program integration purposes.

SAVVAS (Gr 6 Science)
SAVVAS Status Page – This is the new status page just launched by SAVVAS (April 2021)

Wonders (K-5 ELA)
McGraw-Hill Status Page – When viewing this page, we are only looking to see if “ConnectED” is affected. (That is the only product we currently utilize.)

Edgenuity (Compass Learning/Online School)
Edgenuity Status Page – For Compass Learning, click the + on the “Student and Educator Systems” to see if “Pathblazer” (Compass Learning) is operational.

Houghton Mifflin-Harcourt (2-12 Math/ELA)
HMH Status Page – The status page will appear as a pop-up. The two statuses to look at would be “Ed: Your Friend in Learning” (Math 180, Read 180, Amira) and “Holt McDougal Online” (ELA).

Illuminate Education (District Testing)
Illuminate Education Status Page – Also known as “MiStar DnA”, we use this for common assessments.

NWEA (District Testing)
NWEA Status Page – Adaptive test taken multiple times a year in most grades.
As always, if you have any concerns – please email Instructional Technology for more assistance.
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