Going Digital with Breakouts!

Breakout games traditionally involve a box with locks for the players to try to open. Clues are hidden around the room and players circulate around trying to solve them. But what if you don’t have a box or locks? You can try a Digital Breakout!

Digital Breakouts are composed of digital based clues that players will find and record on an answer sheet. Players can work individually or in small groups. Clues can be in a dedicated location (such as a website) or even in a document with links for students to click. Clues can be in a sequence or “Free flow” (not solved in a particular order). The possibilities are endless!

I favor using a Google Site and making a variety of clues that I hide as “links”. Students can click on pictures to reveal questions, or on text to view something like a map they may need. I make most of my clues in Google Drawings and save them as JPGs. I also add in “unique” clues, such as “flipping” postcards or using videos to give answers to clues. My first games were originally traditional games; when I started digitizing them I experimented with making some of the clues more digital friendly. I also integrated using a Google Form as an answer sheet so all the breakout components were completely together and players could get automatic feedback.

View the presentation below to learn more about Digital Breakouts:

Try a Digital Breakout (created by the Instructional Technology Coaches):

View our Digital Breakout Page (under Quick Links)

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